Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Unconditional Love Really Means Unconditional Radiance

The fastest way to raise your frequency is to do the job you were designed to do. You were designed to love. You were designed to radiate Love unconditionally. Now before you go, "Oh THAT again. I've tried loving unconditionally, and it is impossible," you need to understand that what I'm saying is different. What I'm saying is that you are to love, plain and simple. Not love somebody. Not love something. Just to love. Okay, in a sense, you are to love somebody or something, but not in the ordinary sense. You are simply to love God.

You were designed to be a receiver and transmitter of Life Force, also known as Love. The ability to do that is hard-wired into your body-mind. But we have largely forgotten how that is designed to work, and confuse the act of loving with our personal relationships with other human beings. Loving is rightly an impersonal act. Now, I'm not saying that there can't be a personal aspect to loving--of course there can and is. However, one of the things that stops us from doing what we are designed to do is that we tend to tie the act of loving--or not loving--into a recipient, or lack thereof.

There actually always is a recipient of your Love--it's just probably a little different than you may have considered before. You were designed to participate in a mighty cycle of Love, issuing from God, returning to God. If you've read Recreating Eden, you know that there is a masculine aspect of God, and a feminine aspect. When you radiate Love, you are participating in the larger action of "Father God" (masculine, radiating aspect) loving "Mother God" (feminine, receiving aspect). Both at the macro level of God--God the Source--and the personal level--God In You, there is a radiation of Love and a receiving of Love between the masculine and feminine aspects. This is how it is designed to work: Source radiates, the feminine within you receives, the masculine within you radiates, Source receives and the cycle continues. The more dynamically the feminine and masculine within you participate in the larger cycle of God loving God, the higher your frequency and the more paradisiacal your life is.

In the process, the experience of Love in all Creation is increased. This is where the personal aspect of loving comes in. When you understand that God is in everyone and everything, you know that as you radiate Love unconditionally, and hold an entity in your consciousness, their experience of the Love increases. The only Love that we experience is of God, not of another person. When we feel Love from someone else--or think we do--it's merely that the radiance from God In Them is catalyzing a greater experience of attunement with God In Us. It is attuning us with the mighty flow of Love that God radiates constantly. There is no Love but the Love of God, loving God.

Practically speaking, what we are called to do is to radiate Love the way that Source does. We are to radiate it whether or not we feel it is being received (it always is--just not necessarily consciously received by the object of your focus). We are called to radiate Love whether or not we believe someone "deserves" it: God always "deserves" it! Remember, you are not actually loving a person or a thing--you are loving God. You may feel fondness for the particular configuration of form that God has created in another person, but as for Love, you never get Love from outside yourself--when you experience Love, you are only experiencing the movement of Life Force through you. You are participating in the cycle of Love from God, to God.

We are called to radiate Love even when we feel we don't we have it in us. But here's a cool thing to know: while you can't radiate Love unless you first receive it, the intention to radiate it will initiate the flow of Love to you from Source. As you may remember from Recreating Eden, the Adam in you--the inner masculine--may be holding the inner feminine--Eve--out of alignment. The easiest way to turn this around is for Adam to decide to consciously radiate Love. The act of doing so aligns both aspects of you the way that they were designed to be. When you engage your masculine, radiant aspect in the job it was designed for, that automatically puts Eve in the receptive position, and Adam in the radiating position. And the rest is as natural as breathing. Because it's what you were designed to do, you were born knowing how to Love. Neat system, don't you think?!

Yes, we are to radiate Love no matter what. Bad mood? Don't feel like loving? The fastest way to raise your frequency upward out of less-than-joy--and to experience more Love, yourself--is to do what you are designed to do! We are to be as consistent and persistent at radiating Love as is God. What if God got in a snit and withheld Life Force/Love because we weren't consciously open to receive it? The Whole of Creation would collapse! What if God withheld Life Force/Love because we weren't aware or appreciating it? What if God withheld Life Force/Love because we were being jerks? Thankfully, God radiates Love impersonally, unfailingly, unconditionally. Love radiates from God whether we appreciate it or are unaware of it. Love radiates from Source regardless of what we do--or don't do. When we intend to Love in the same constant and impersonal way as does God, the Source, and do so more and more, our journey home to the higher frequencies where ease and joy are the norms, is expedited exponentially. Indeed, unconditional radiance is the key to everything.

So, the next time someone cuts you off in traffic and you're tempted to go into reverse polarity, withhold Love, and perhaps even actively focus the opposite of Love in the offender's direction, understand that you are truly removing yourself from the flow of Life Force and Love, reducing your own frequency (and thus, the frequency of the Whole), and you are removing yourself from the cycle of God loving God that you were designed to facilitate. In such a situation, you are doing the exact opposite of what is needed--whenever there is disharmony, what is needed is not judgment and reaction, what is needed is more Love. I understand that it is human nature (or rather, the ego's and reptilian brain's nature) to react defensively and unlovingly, but our very job as human beings, and certainly, as re-creators of Eden, is to listen to and obey God In Us, ignore the serpent, and continue radiating Love, no matter what! If you should happen to be pulled out of alignment by your ego, just take a deep breath, let your ego know you're on to it, tell it to be silent, center yourself in the Truth, align with your Spirit, and radiate Love as you were intended to do. You'll be surprised how wonderful it feels--after all, it's what you were designed for!

©2005 Julia Rogers Hamrick

Julia Rogers Hamrick is a visionary who spontaneously revisited the reality state called ?Eden? in 1982 when her response to a catastrophic illness catapulted her to a radically higher frequency. She has been a spiritual-growth facilitator for over two decades, and is the author of Recreating Eden: The Exquisitely Simple, Divinely Ordained Plan for Transforming Your Life and Your Planet. To learn more about her Eden experience, read the introduction to Recreating Eden by going to For more information on Julia and on recreating Eden, visit To read about Julia's own dance with Spirit and ego, read Julia's blog, accessible from her website.

SacredLove - Building Long Term, Sexy, Loving, Powerful, Authentic Relationships that Last

Emotion is energy in motion. At its most primal level it swings between extremes right or wrong, attracted or repelled. Emotion is the opposite to love. Highly emotional people are living in the most fundamental of human consciousness, whether they are fighting for religious causes, or in a relationship fighting to be right. This is emotional unconsciousness; "I've got to" do this and "I have to" do that, which are very violent and polarised positions. But nature will not allow this for long.

Nature destroys anything that does not fulfil its purpose, and staying primal, highly emotional, is not fulfilling natures purpose. The result is illness, nervous tension, stress, burnout, depression, disease and relationship failure. Natures weapons are so numerous, and all of them point to emotional stuckness. People who refuse to grow.

The most common way to avoid growth that love brings is by using blame. This moral high ground, emotional reaction and high expectation sits a persons mind high above the rocky swamps of real life authenticity, and is designed to avoid the love that comes from open communication. To stay dry while all else is wet, to keep the ego fully intact, avoid dealing with the stories and beliefs that they are attached to, and blame (judge) others for causing how they feel. Like religious fundamentalism, it is simply an unwillingness to let go of beliefs that come from a primal consciousness and are extremely one sided. Stories.

The more willing you are to see two sides of the coin, the less righteous you will be, and the less emotional your swings of emotion. Instead of "I am right" you might say "maybe we both are right" or you might say "I admit that I can only see my side of the story, and therefore I am wrong" - These honest and authentic statements of confessed righteousness free a person from the cave from which their consciousness is coming from, and steps them out into the possible realm of love. Being right, is the opposite to being in love. Then, as your emotional swings get smaller and smaller, less energy is spent on being right, and more energy is spent on growing and staying in love.

So, we use challenges to grow love. Every time we get challenged (emotionally negative) we process it, and turn it into love. That way, we stay in the honeymood. We can't just ignore the negative stuff because it builds up, causes abuse, and makes us resentful. We have to process the negative stuff so it doesn't block our love. It is like moving sand through an hourglass. In the top is the ego. In the bottom is love. We take the experiences at the top, everyday emotion, and move them to love. The more we process through the hourglass, the bigger our love can be.

Emotions block love. No relationship, sacred or otherwise, can thrive when a couple considers their emotions a foundation, because then they can't grow in love. You can't base your relationship with someone you love on feelings and emotions. It is a disaster, and you are like a leaf blowing in the wind. The wind (emotions) blow you left, you go left and shut down, they blow you right, and you are infatuated and happy. It is like a little child in a candy shop. No love can last in that whirlwind of emotional drama.

This is the choice you have. You can love people, but not be prepared to enter a relationship with them. That is a friendship. You can love someone and enter a relationship with them, and this means facing the challenges that a relationship brings in order to stay in love. But if you expect to be in a relationship with someone, and not face your ego, not confront your expectations and be revealed in your own judgments, then you do not really want love. You want peace, and in relationship, like nature, peace brings disease.

To be in relationship and hold love you need to stay vigilant to your ego. For example, our ego might want to see our partner as only a kind person. Our ego, if we empower it, says this is a good thing. We feel pleasure and this causes us to have a happy emotion. The ego is happy, because there is kind without cruel. But is this real, sustainable, true love, or is it the ego creating the grounds for a disaster in our relationship? The answer is obvious, projections and hopes are not love, they are our expectations, and expectations block love.

Infatuations mean we have half truth ideals and these are our emotional projections onto our beloved. That is not a true love, not love at all, just our emotional projection. In other words, infatuations make us blind to real love. We take our stories, our religious expectations, we take our reactions to our parents and build a model of who we want to be in love with. Then we say we are in love if we think this person matches our made up model. This emotional infatuation means we are having an affair with a fantasy of our beloved, not really accepting them for who they are. We mistake it for love and the confrontation of those expectations is called "growth".

Long term relationships cannot be based on this projection of fantasy, or delusion. In reality, all people have two sides. The more a person projects their "goodness" on you, the more they have mastered hiding their "badness", however, in the long term it will surface. Some people learn how to hide their other side, and get under your "half life" radar. This radar is looking for half a person, the good half, and as long as your illusions are justified, you can love them. This is the emotional definition of love, but it is false love, not real. No man or woman is half. They only present half because your projection won't let them in if they were real and showed you both halves. If they did, you would throw them out, because it would challenge your ideas, your expectations. You get what you want in the short term, the fantasy, but in the long term you get reality, and all your complaining, anger, blame and therapy won't fix the problem. But there is no problem to fix except your illusion of real people.

To say, "I love you because you are kind", is the ego speaking. Firstly, because kind has both good and bad in it, which you wont see until later. Secondly, you are assuming that there can be a half person in your life, kind but not unkind. So, we have half information and have an emotional upper. This is not love; it is a happy thought called the honeymoon. Sadly it will not last unless you are prepared to do some process on your expectations. There is nothing wrong with your beloved. You, your mind, your judgements, your expectations are at fault. You can blame them all you want, but this is not true love. And remember, how you treat others is how you treat yourself. How can you love yourself if you can't accept yourself? You'll end up your whole life in confession or asking forgiveness for being human. Is that self love, ashamed of who you really are?

This is emotional way of life is all very obvious when I take people trekking in the Himalayas of Nepal. They bring their way of thinking from back home, and try to apply it to walking up the side of steep hills. Their emotions take charge and at the bottom of the hill, they are enthusiastic, infatuated, brimming with excitement. But the hill is so long, that excitement turns to disbelief and frustration (the honeymoon is over). So, about 1 hour into the climb, the ego, being dualistic, swings to the other side, and our emotions "go downward", to balance the "upward emotion" of the first hour. People start to complain about the whole stupid hill, the boots hurt, legs ache. When the ego goes into emotional resentment it uses blame so that it doesn't feel stupid, and after 10 minutes blaming the bad path, the steep hill, neither of which really cares, they blame me.

Gradually the swings of emotion get shorter, from 1 hour down to 1 minute. An internal war begins, "Yes I can do it" to "No I can't make it" and finally, every step, "Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no." The brain is going mad, swinging, and just when it is ready to surrender, something else comes over them. The ego gives up and the emotions fall away. That ego which drives us in city life is just no use here, and we get a sense of spirit, our second wind.

Similarly, we start in a relationship by committing to climb this magnificent journey together. We jump in, full of tingles and bubbles, phone calls and emails, poems and flowers. Then we begin to close down. Emotions become more challenging than we thought, so we fight with our ego to change things, everything. For the first few years we are infatuated with our beloved. That is quite normal. It drives our sexual energy because nature thinks you are having babies. But then, you get resentful.

Infatuation breeds resentment. So then for the next years you start resenting them. Then after seven years or so, which we call the 7 year itch, you feel real love, balanced love but not emotional love. You loose the infatuation so you think it's over. But this is not over, you have finally found real love. Ambivalence means you have finally come the full circle, back to the beauty of authentic communion. Now you can have sacred love, because now it is not hormones racing, emotions infatuating, intellect projecting. Now, you can rest in love.

This means that to satisfy those primal elements of yourself, those elements that were so happy when you first met, you'll need to create them consciously. You'll need to know how to get your partner infatuated for a sexy night. You'll need to know how to get hormones racing. This is romance and it the essential ingredient of a long term relationship. Infatuation might have kick started your love relationship, but when all that settles down to true love, then your primal desires and needs have to be fed consciously. They don't go away, not even when you are 100 years old. Even then, a lover must know how to infatuate their beloved for a night.

It is inevitable in a relationship that is growing, that the infatuation that drove you together in the honeymoon period dies. This is not a time to part. No, it is a time to celebrate the beauty of a new level of love. Sacred Love. It has to because you want sacred love, not projections to bind you. But couples think because they are not excited by their lover, it is over. No, it is just ready to begin if we can get out of the cave consciousness and into sacred love.

So then, to grow in relationship, we can't remain a victim of circumstance. Otherwise, we or our partner are going to end up complaining that the passion went out of it. We'll be acting like cave people or like dogs, running around having affairs to keep our libido happy. Either that, or we simply resign ourselves to living an unromantic life. Dispirited at home and punishing everyone we know at work because of it. You don't run, you grow and take the bull by the horns. You learn to create those romantic moments, you create little peaks of infatuation. In order to move deeper in love, you need to keep the primal parts of you happy so they can liberate you for higher love.

Many people think that growing in love is not sexy, they think it is spiritual and they think spiritual is not sexy. But if the foundations are not poured, the building collapses. To grow in love to higher levels of love, you don't let go of the lower levels, you satisfy them. So sexy, romantic, infatuated (from time to time), values and more underpin the higher realms of love. However, instead of playing victim and complaining about your relationship, you know that nobody can do to you more than you do to yourself.

You can make your life as sexy, romantic and happy as you choose. You just need to get beyond victim and blame. Read the chapter "love is a lifestyle" and see just a few of the ways you can create passion and romance anytime you choose. It is important. Because it doesn't always take years to move from infatuation to sacred love. It can take days. And if you sit back being all spiritual or playing the victim (like he's just not into me) then, your love life and relationship is not going to take you to the magnificent place it can take you. Devotion, romance, authenticity, success, happiness, family and dedication do not come to you, they come from you. This is growth in love.

Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris?s work and journeys to Nepal, visit

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Love You-Will You be My Valentine?

"I love you" is a "sweetest" one liner...we all likes to listen...not only once in a year but everyday. Though there should not be any particular occasion or time for one to express his or her love to any person whom they should be often and regular, but how many of us really understand the meaning and importance of love. People across the globe...we all love to be loved by our parents, by our friends and by that "Special" person of our life. Often we don't understand the importance of love...feelings and emotions. There is a misconception that your love for that special person starts from bedroom.

To start with...Why does one love? Is it to find an escape from the pains of loneliness or is it to feel the warmth of fulfillment that it brings to one's heart? To me, love is the essential of all being. One cannot exist without the love of another. To live for another makes a life complete in every way. Each beat of one's heart, each breath, each small thought signifies a Small part of a love that is shared with another.

Who does one love? Are two people destined to come together or is it by chance alone? Only one's heart can tell when love has come. It can feel the longing desire from its deepest point and it can feel the overpowering attraction when they are close. One loves whom his heart has chosen.

When does one love? Does one share their love in the soft mist of the early morning or in the crisp breeze of the darkening night? Those that are truly in love know no night or day, no dark or light. Love is a continuous thing.

So, if you find yourself in love with someone who does not love you, be gentle with yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. Love just didn't choose to rest in the other person's heart.

And if you find someone else in love with you and you don't love him/her, feel honored that love came and called at your door, but gently refuse the gift you cannot return. Do not take advantage. Do not cause pain. How you deal with love is how you deal with you, and all our hearts feel the same pains and joys, even if our lives and ways are different.

And if you fall in love with someone, he/she falls in love with you and then love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or to assess blame, let it go. There is a reason and there is a meaning. You will know in time. Remember that you don't choose love. Love chooses you. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes into your life.

Feel the way it fills you to overflowing, then reach out and give it away. Give it back to the person who brought it alive in you. Give it to others who deem it poor in spirit. Give it to the world around you in any way you can. There is where many lovers go wrong. Having been so long without love, they understand love only as a need. They see their hearts as empty places that will be filled by love, and they begin to look at love as something that flows to them Rather than from them.

The first blush of new love is filled to overflowing, but as their love cools, they revert to seeing their love as need. They cease to be someone who generates love and instead become someone who seeks love. They forget that the secret of love is that it is a gift, and that it can be made to grow only by giving it away.

Remember this, and keep it to your heart. Love has its own time, its own seasons, and its own reason for coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it, or reason it into saying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you. But if it chooses to leave from your heart or from the heart of your lover, there is nothing you can do and there is nothing you should do.

Love always has been and always will be a mystery. Be glad that it came to live for a moment in your life. IF YOU KEEP YOUR HEART OPEN, IT WILL COME AGAIN.

Why Valentines Day?

In the third century, the Roman Empire was ruled by Emperor Claudius II Gothicus. He was nicknamed Claudius the Cruel because of his harsh leadership and his tendency for getting into wars and abusing his people. In fact, he was getting into so many wars during the third century that he was having a difficult time recruiting enough soldiers.

Claudius believed that recruitment for the army was down because Roman men did not want to leave their loves or families behind, so he canceled all marriages and engagements in Rome. Thousands of couples saw their hopes of matrimony dashed by the single act of a tyrant. And no one seemed interested in standing up to the emperor.

But a simple Christian priest named Valentine did come forward and stood up for love. He began to secretly marry soldiers before they went off to war, despite the emperor's orders. In 269 AD Emperor Claudius found out about the secret ceremonies. He had Valentine thrown into prison and deemed that he would be put to death.

As Valentine was awaiting execution, he fell in love with a blind girl, who happened to be the jailers daughter. On the eve of his execution, with no writing instruments available, Valentine is said to have written her a sonnet in ink that he squeezed from violets. Legend has it that his words made the blind woman see again. It was a brief romance because the next day Valentine was clubbed to death by Roman executioners.

St. Valentine gave his life so that young couples could be bonded together in holy matrimony. They may have killed the man, but not his spirit. Even centuries after his death, the story of Valentine's self-sacrificing commitment to love was legendary in Rome. Eventually he was granted Sainthood and the Catholic Church decided to create a feast in his honor. They picked February 14 as the day of celebration because of the ancient belief that birds (particularly lovebirds, but also owls and doves) began to mate on that very day.

It's surprising to know that Valentine's Day is really founded on the concept of love in marriage. On This Valentine's Day, what are you doing to keep the love in your marriage burning? While giving a gift and card, having a candlelight dinner, and sharing special words of love are all important, the true spirit of Valentine's Day needs to last throughout the year.

So, on this Valentine's Day...I like to ask you...will you be my Valentine. I don't promise to you...stars and moon, I know that the life ahead is not going to be a bed of roses...but I promise that I will keep you happy. I will not give tears to your eyes. I will be true and faithful to you. I wish you to walk with me, in this journey of life...together...holding hands. I want to hug you tight...close to my that nothing can harm you. So, will you be my valentine...not for today...not for one year...but for my life...till the time I breathe my last.

I know that you think that I don't even mean a single word I say. But it's only words and words are all I have to take your heart away. This world has lost its glory let's start a brand new story now my love. (Words...BoyZone)

"I love you"...for what you are and as you are...with all that you have...with your past and present...with your good and bad qualities...with your strengths and weaknesses. For me "I love you" is not just a sentence...for me every "I love you" is a promise, a commitment to stand by the person you love- whatever the odds, whatever the outcome, whatever the cost. Every "I love you" is a pact. A sworn oath to stick by each other, to be there for each other, no matter what personal sacrifice is necessary, and no matter what Consequences may befall. Every "I love you" has nothing to do with touches, or kisses, or sweet nothings whispered in an attentive ear.? I love you" is more than all these things. It means loyalty and honor and trust without the expectation of the same in return.

Again, I know that you think that I don't even mean a single word I say. But it's only words and words are all I have to take your heart away. This world has lost its glory let's start a brand new story now my love. (Words...BoyZone)

Walk with me, the path of life,to explore every bend of the road. Enjoy with me the beauty of life,along its wonderful way. Find comfort with me, in each other's arms, when grief crosses our path. Find strength with me, in each other's strength, when despair lies in wait. Laugh with me, a single true laugh, to enlighten another's distress. Cry with me, a single true tear, to understand true happiness. Cherish with me, the wonders of life, as they need to be preserved. Rejoice with me, in the mysteries, of what is yet to be. Find peace with me, in each other's souls, when the world has gone insane. Find love with me, in each other's hearts, until this life has been fulfilled. And when the path comes to an end I hope we can say from within, we've known the beauty of true love, our love came from within.

I know that you still think that I don't even mean a single word I say. But it's only words and words are all I have to take your heart away. This world has lost its glory let's start a brand new story now my love. (Words...BoyZone)

It's only words and words are all I have to take your heart away. This world has lost its glory let's start a brand new story now my love. (Words...BoyZone)

With lots of love...and Care

Sanjeev Sharma (Mobile: +91-9876328841) (E-mail:; (Blog:

Humility is Love

All great things are built on the foundation of love. Yet, sometimes we forget to acknowledge it. My darling, it is you, and without you, I would not have the foundation to take these risks, the motive to want to strive nor the courage to get up when I fall. My beloved, I forget, I forget what I have and sometimes I think I am an island, a satellite, I forget how much you do. Please know, and know that I worship, that what I achieve, is what we achieve, it is all grown from our love, from you. You hold me, know me, value me and honour me with your love. You care, and trust, and wait for me. Please, for the love of all that exists, may I remain truly humble to the immense power you bring to my life, thankful for the small things, and, for the forgotten things. May I always say thank you from the depths of my heart. May I always stay humble to the value of your love in creating mine.

In our modern world the ego can easily overtake love. The speed of life is complex, exciting and wonderful, but if this is at the cost of love, then the ego has won and love has lost.

Stillness is the key. Learning to stop, really stop and be still with our beloved, to turn up, this is the key to sustaining sacred relationships amongst this busy-ness. Stillness is the lifeblood of our relationship, and with

stillness there is honesty, love and surrender.

The stillness in which love can exist requires that you know how to cease

thinking and worrying and striving, to let nature caress your heart and soul. Can you stop running? Can you forget about the mortgage,

the rent, the fat on your belly, oil in your hair, the spot on your face,

the next deal, the kids at school, the yoga backbend, what

people think of you, and just be? Because this is how to find love. Underneath all the struggle there is love. Your lover, that beautiful soul who is waiting for you to come back to stillness. It is there, always, behind the drama, the ambition, the strain. Don't wait for a personal tsunami to make you aware of the power of stillness. Find it,

just 10 minutes each morning, and eventually you'll learn how to find it anytime, anywhere.

What we need to do most is stop. Stop the rush, the wanting, the

needing. Kill the expectations, just for one minute in silence, the TV off, the silence on, anywhere, anytime. Stop, then let it happen by itself, fall into love.

The ego hates the idea of stopping, so it even makes excuses like,

"Ooh I am too busy" or "Ooh, you did this to me". There are just

thousands, millions of ego tricks, because to be emotionally and

mentally naked, to sit in silence, means all your self doubt and mind stuff will be there to see. The thought that our self-deception, our masks of no earthly use, are going to be uncovered, witnessed by somebody - ourselves in particular - is terrifying.

You can place a flower in front of you, a thing of beauty, or chant

a poem, but your eyes cannot move, your mind cannot receive

a compliment, there can be no better or worse, there can simply be an immersion. To "fall" in love through the art of stillness is more about what you don't do than what you do. You don't try, you don't expect, you don't want, you don't need, you don't hope, you just don't.

In that moment of not doing, when you actually stop everything, then love is there. It is a ritual at first, but eventually a skill to create the

sort of focus where you and the object of your love, no matter what you are doing, become one.

Through the practice and mastery of inner stillness, we can choose

to be available for love at any time. We achieve this by simply diving past the ego, through the layers of emotion and fears, straight to the core that sits within. It is a hard path, because it is direct.

This spontaneous act of falling in love is an essential asset for any sacred relationship. The keys to this direct path to love are in learning to focus on the object of the moment, and be totally present and not distracted when with your lover. It may be confrontational at first, but eventually, this experience of falling in love will become a permanent experience, always behind the reality of everyday life.

When you commit to be open, you can truly fall back in love any time you choose. We go straight past the ego, past the intellect, and we

fall back in love because there is no expectation, no resistance, no question, nothing to defend or protect, no "I" or "me"; there is just love. There is no reason, so there is no resistance.

Becoming available to fall in love over and over with your beloved requires that you create the space, the openness for love to exist. If you can master this art, then you can choose to make it last one second, or a lifetime. No matter what the circumstances, whether you are single or in your relationship, you can fall in love again and again. It is the most beautiful art, the most profound education. Becoming available does not depend on circumstances, but draws us straight to the moment of love. Then there is no memory needed, there is no hoping for a

special circumstance, or event. Then, whether you are laying in each other's arms, or separated forever, love can be celebrated in all its

beauty. You can become available to fall in love every moment you choose. New love, old love, young love, sweet love, sacred love. It is

simple really. You just need to know how to get out of your own way, switch off the protection, change modes, and you are there.

Love is independent of your thinking and emotions. If you can find

love through the art of stillness, you will have found the secret to

unconditional love, and the solution to all of life's challenge. Then, no matter where you are, no matter what is happening you can know that love is in your heart. A love that lasts forever; stillness where you,

your beloved and all that surrounds you become one, in love. Love is natural - let nature be your guide. When was the last time you and your lover lay naked on the grass on a starlit night, looked up at the

heavens in silence, and opened your hearts to love without action?

In nature, that first moment you met is brought back into your

heart, and you remember how it was, before relationship interfered. You remember how it was to fall without mind, without expectation, into the arms of true love, in that sacred moment you met.

Under the canopy of the stars dreams are free, life is infinitely long, and there cannot be a worry in any human heart. Lying there on the soft grass, looking out from our tiny home, the perfection is obvious even to a troubled soul.

Underneath that umbrella, our world, our life, our religions sit.

We build things, collect things, fall in love and fall out of love, we live and we die, under that canopy. And we look up and wonder at it all. Our ego says, "I am important" yet, under this vista, looking out from our tiny earth, there is an obvious contradiction. Although I think,

"I am free", I am not free to disobey the laws that make all this

magnificence function. The ants in their ant nest have laws. They live a short time, and in that time, they must survive. Their laws don't change the stars, or the universe, but their laws make being an ant

possible. We are ants, but we think our laws are divine laws. Every

religion thinks their watch tells heavenly time. But like the ants,

our laws just make being a human possible. There are bigger

things at stake than our conflicting arguments of which God is the right God, and which law is the right law. Under the canopy of the stars one can reach out way beyond this little perspective of life, and embrace all the emotions of life as mere fragments of the whole story. The

diversity of humanity becomes a unity if you can reach

beyond the ego. This is the only way.

To understand the whole of

creation, not just a self-determined fragment of it, one can look to understand the constants that exist both here on earth and out there in the stars. These are the universal laws. They cannot be preaching a morality, such is the domain of the religious leaders, politicians and philosophers, making our nest habitable. No, those laws exist impartially. The terrorist, the rapist, the angel and the yogi are all humble to those laws, whether morally right or wrong, and we are all under this one canopy and equally worthy of love. Open your heart to witness those laws in a way that you, an ant in this anthill, might begin to understand the whole picture, rather than become obsessed with

an adhesion to a fragment of it. The premise is that all the fragments,

the religions, the philosophies, and processes of life are valid in their context. But none tell the whole story, therefore, none alone can stand real scrutiny. This is why we defend them with vengeance.

Look up and see the universe, see your lives, your religions, and your

world in a bigger context, a great and magnificent order. An order that

pervades every molecule of existence, every moment of activity, every action known as history, and every vision known as the future. There can be no escape from that magnificent viewpoint. From star stuff we come, to star stuff we go.

Lying there far away from the claustrophobia of air-conditioned offices,

digitised button pushing, your car, television, microwave and thoughts.

Let your individuality fall away, become more and more part of

something magnificent, less and less questioning of what is possible or best. Be alive; this is the world of nature.

Let your mind and heart wander, stay warm, lie next to that beautiful soul, your lover, beloved, the one who has blessed you with

their humanity, sent to be with you, |in this moment right now, with

all their totally perfect inadequacies and know that you are the luckiest person on earth.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Love Lifted Me!

Love lifted me

Enabled me to be

Providing me safety

Continually comforting me

Progressively encouraging me

Empowered me to become

I now confidently run

Into the unknown

For it is there

I've repeatedly grown

Trusting in my Creator

To provide friends and home

He sets the universe in motion

Moves heaven and earth

To align me with His purposes

Because my heart and life is His

He fulfills my every dream

Always exceeding my expectations

Sending me loving sensations

By the Spirit

And through my wife

God is love

Love is patient

Love is kind

Love is Karla

On my mind

Love is selfless

Love is bliss

Love is Karla

Whom I kiss.

Love is honesty

Love is truth

Love is the fairy

Who takes my tooth

Love is Karla

Who I hold and smooch

Ugh oh

Butterflies on the loose!

Love feels great

Love is my fate

Love warms my heart

Love is Karla

A work of art

From whom I can't depart

Love is precious

Love is sweet

Love makes me want

To move my feet

Love, you cannot stop

It makes you skip

It makes you hop

No matter what happens

When you've got love

You're definitely not a flop

Love burns hot

Love goes deep

Love is Karla

Whom I must keep

Love is everything

Love makes you sing

Love is consistent

It's not merely a fling

Love is commitment

Love is earnest

Love is incomparable

You can taste it

As if it were edible

By far, love is the best

It both excites

And gives you rest

Love always strengthens

It assures your soul

Love is a promise

Love makes you whole

Love never fails

It cannot cease

Love is stronger than hatred

Your ails, it does release

Love is spiritual

Love is godly

Love enables you

To endure all happily

Love is an inner knowing

Love is a profound revelation

It has no bounds

It affects every nation.

Paul Davis is a life coach (relational & professional), traveling minister and fitness trainer. Paul is the author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Stop Lusting; and God vs. Religion.

Paul is a popular worldwide keynote speaker, creative consultant, humor being, explorer, mediator, minister, liberator and dream-maker.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has also brought revival to many in war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His nonprofit organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams and breaking limitations.

Paul's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event or for life coaching: 407-967-7553.

For additional info:, [http://www.CreativeCommunications.TV]

Sacred Love - the Power of the Heart is the Human Spirit - this is Will Power - Love Power

Will power is love; in spiritual terms, love is will power. If one says, "God is love", it means in reality "God is Will". The love of God, the Will of God, causes the creation, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Universal laws pervade our earth and our heaven. When a person says, "I love to do it", it means, "I will to do it", which is a stronger expression and means, "I fully love to do it with all my heart and soul".

Never again clutter your days or nights with so much "busi-ness" and unimportant things that you have no time to "be in love" and "live with love". This applies to play as well as work. A day merely survived, with money as the only reward, is no cause for celebration. In its purified state, the human heart is the hologram of the seen and unseen worlds; it is the part that reflects the whole. The heart is the point at which the individual human being is closest to the Divine. The heart is the centre of our motivation and our knowing, possessing a depth and strength of will that the personality lacks. When we say that the heart has an integrative power, we are not talking in abstract, metaphorical, or merely intellectual terms. The realisation and purification of the heart both opens a doorway to the infinite, and also results in a restructuring of neural pathways, a refinement and reorganisation of our entire nervous system, which allows the fullest expression of our human possibilities. We can so easily fall into the world of life to work rather than work to live. Time can rush by, we are so busy getting ready to enjoy life, that we are too tired to take advantage of it. To manage our life, for the benefit of love, we must master the power of will. This, in another language, means discipline.

No more busy work. No more hiding from love. Leave time, leave space to grow. Now. Now! Not tomorrow!

Love in action. The heart of Love

Discipline is the turning point. The pain of regret always outweighs the pain of discipline. Therefore, as we shift from the ego focus of pleasure, short term pleasure, toward purpose, dreams, and longer term results, the ego loses control and becomes the lion, and you to tamer, The vast majority of spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, tai chi and more, hold this as the most critical ingredient of the transformation between ego life and love life. Discipline.

Will is a different kind of power. Will acknowledges that there are temptations, that there are always old patterns, but that all the righteousness, devotion and fanatic adherence to dogma will never remove the source of temptation. An alcoholic is still an alcoholic while they are in a phobia about alcohol. With will power, there is a different approach; there is simply something more important to do.

Will does not rely on righteousness or goods that are separated from bad. Like the healing fanatic, who will tell you for hours about the virtues of organic food. No, that is the ego in blind fanaticism building dogma, separation. There are two sides to everything, good and bad, including organic food. But will is different. Will asks, "What are my long term goals, and what choices are best for me to make to achieve them?" Like, "I want to travel the world helping children". I would ask "When?", and you might say, "Until the day I die", and I might say "When?", and you might add, "Ok, when I am 90". So now we got past a loose fantasy, with no detail, to a little more detail. Then we go for lunch and you are sitting opposite me, and the menu comes, "What are you having for lunch?" You think, and say, "Oh there are so many delicious choices", and I would reply, "Not if you are serious about living until you are 90 and still traveling around the world helping children." Then you might choose the organic salad, because it might help you live your dream. That choice is made with "will power".

Will power comes from the heart.

A part of the body just beneath the breast has been labeled as the heart. As humans cannot grasp the idea of a heart outside the body, there is a part in this body of flesh dedicated to housing the idea of the heart. This area is most sensitive to feeling and has been called broken at times, although no physical break actually occurs.

Thought, memory, will and reason, combined with the ego, make up the heart. The surface of our ego is mind, while the depth of it is heart. The heart is a clear descriptor of our identity. It is through the heart that we feel ourselves, or know ourselves, as the ego prefers. Once a person understands the nature, the character, and the mystery of heart, they understand the language of their ego. So a real understanding of the ego, and turning it to work for you, instead of for itself, comes from the heart.

Will power is what makes the difference between our ability to feel an emotion (which is honesty), and act on an emotion (which is foolishness). It is human nature to have all kinds of emotional reactions to the world around us; these are simultaneously the human illusion, and precisely the traits that make us human. The experiencing of emotions over the whole spectrum of existence is what makes us whole, just as a musical piece is composed using the whole set of piano keys, not just one. The joy of life is experiencing emotion, but the suffering of life is to act, or legitimise them.

Action and reaction based on emotion are at the surface of life. Will is the junction between this, and the ability to live deep below this surface, in love. When we act on emotion, our will power (God power) is overridden, and we become like a leaf in the storm, driven by the comings and goings of others. There is no certainty in a life driven by reactions to emotion. While it provides the flavor and spice of life, it is an appalling guidance system for your decisions and direction. Will is, therefore, the gentle power that can honor the experience of emotion, but prohibits action based on it.

Ambition can be based on emotional escapism and egotistic attachment, or the human spirit and inspired calling. If we want love, then ambition based on emotional escapism is a complete contradiction to our aims. Emotional drive is sporadic, undisciplined, it vales "How I feel now" more importantly than, "How I am going to feel if I don't live my dreams?" It is not the love-centred way of life. It will not magnetise the health and sacred love we aspire to give.

Valuable Values:

The value of time

The success of perseverance

The pleasure of working

The dignity of simplicity

The worth of character

The power of kindness

The influence of example

The obligation of duty

The wisdom of economy

The virtue of patience

The improvement of talent

The joy of originality

If you say you are going to do something in your life, and you don't do it, you beat yourself up. Make commitments of discipline in your relationship. If you break them, don't lie. Admit it. No one can beat you up more than you. But then work on more discipline, more will, more love power, by finding a better reason to follow your commitment. Being committed to something is all about having a good enough reason. If you love yourself enough, then emotional blackmail is not a good enough reason to be committed. If someone says, "I won't like you if you don't do that" then only if you already hate yourself is that a motive. But at this level of will, there has to be a dream, a dream you'd love so much that the cost of emotion is too high, that emotion is not worth the worry.

People get this when they lose something. I had a friend who had a heart attack. They were so not disciplined; they had absolutely no will power. Then, after that catastrophe, they became a health fanatic. A year later they were emotional again and eating junk. They were disciplined out of fear. This is not sustainable. In your relationship, find a dream that is big enough, that you would love to live enough, and then work out what the cost is in terms of lifestyle. If you aren't willing to pay the price, get out of the way so someone else can live it. But don't expect your relationship to last if you can't find a dream worth living for.

After two or three shattered dreams you might find it hard to come up with real commitments for long-term dreams. Simply start with little ones and work your way up. There is a process in the last chapters of this book on dream matching.

The will of the human heart is an unbridled experience of doing something that you love, rather than something that loves you. Then you bring this choice making awareness into all facets of your life, discernment, and without compromise. Will is the heart choosing long-term benefit over short-term emotional expression.

Sacred relationship is not found in emotional drama, but in the wisdom of choices made, the sacrifices made in recognition of dreams and Love. If you do not have the will to choose wisely, then you'll choose low priority activities to fill your mind. Because these are self sabotaging (they do not fulfill your dreams), then your lover will not be able to wait for you to grow up in love, they will probably leave you. If you are treating yourself as unworthy of love, unworthy of higher purpose, unworthy of long-term investment, then your lover will not treat you any differently. Remember that nobody does to you more than you do to yourself. Will is love, will power is self love.

Self love is found in the doing of life, not in the thinking of it. Self love is action, action of choices. Your self worth grows when you do things worthy of your own respect. Emotional drama and working on low priorities, working on other people's priorities, living vicariously through children, is all self-deception. Nature will not have it. Nature will bring disaster, catastrophe and humbling circumstances to anyone who does not work on the higher priorities that manifest their dreams. If you do not have a dream, there is only ego to love.

A person who can say, "I love doing this" is far more rewarded on the cosmic level than the ego that would profess, "I love this, because these are the things I get for doing it". Achievements last for moments, but life is a journey. There is no solace for the wealthy person who, surrounded with material items and victories, cannot smile in the face of a days work, or at the idea of walking to the garden for a few moments of reflection. It is in the eyes of loved ones where we find God, rather than the buildings we create to house them. It is in the doing of things of high priority to our dreams that the wealth exists, not in the gratitude of those we help.

Will is not power, although it is all the power that exists. How does creation function in the universe? The world? The answer is, by will. The laws of the universe hold all the chaos into a magnificent order. It is the power of will, Gods will, that all of the universe conforms to a discipline of just five simple laws. Emotion is the defiance of those laws. Therefore, what we call willpower in us, is more accurately, God power; and emotion is hell power. Will power is a combination of physical and mental strength. Our hands, with all their perfect mechanics, cannot hold a glass of water if there is no willpower to support it. If will power fails us, a seemingly healthy person will not be able to even stand. Therefore, fish do not swim with their body; they swim with their will power. And when man has the will to swim, he swims like fish.

Will power has enabled humankind to complete tremendous things. Will brings us to success, yet when will fails, however intelligent the person, they too fail. Therefore, it is not the human power solely that moves us, it is a divine power found in the human body that makes unbelievable feats possible. The work of the mind is still greater, for no one can hold a thought in their mind for a moment if there is not the strength of will to hold it. If a person cannot concentrate, cannot keep their thoughts still for a moment, it means that will power fails them, as it is will which holds a thought.

Rumi, "Birth, water, fire, air seemed to us as things, as objects, but before God they are living beings; they stand as his obedient servant's and obey divine Will".

We received a part of that divine will as our own divine heritage, and it is our consciousness of that will which makes it greater. If we are not conscious of it, it becomes smaller. An optimistic attitude towards life develops the power of will, while the pessimistic attitude reduces it and robs it of its great power. Thus, it is only ourselves that hinders our progress in life. There is no one in the world that can be a worse enemy to us than ourselves, for at every failure we see ourselves standing in our own light.

When the mind is pushed to hold one thought for a while, it becomes restless, because it is not accustomed to discipline. The mind by itself has no hesitation to hold a thought of disappointment, blame, anger, pain grief, sorrow, or of failure; it will hold it so tightly that you cannot take one of those righteous thoughts from its grip. But when the mind is requested to hold a particular affirmative thought, often it will not hold it, responding instead by saying, "I am free and I will not be controlled". This is the ego fighting against the heart of will, the ego fighting for emotional freedom, and cursing the divinity of sacred love, dreams and joy.

You must teach your mind discipline by concentration, by the power of will, then the mind becomes tied in concentration to the focus of your work. A parent must be strong with a child because they have no discipline, and the parent must be that higher wisdom until the child becomes wise. A disciplined mind becomes your servant rather than your master. The thoughts of the heart, and the act of holding the thought in the heart, are both of great importance for the fulfillment of an individual's life's, and most importantly, their relationships.

Often a person will say, "I try my best but I cannot get my mind to concentrate, I cannot make my mind still". It is true that they cannot concentrate, but it is not true that they try their best. Once the mind has become your servant, what more can you wish? Then your world is your own, you are the king or queen of your kingdom. Although some people will argue, "Why not let the mind be free, as we are free?" But the easy answer to this is to observe the life of the person without discipline, filled with emotional drama, maybe even a filled bank balance. They have lost the essence, they are nothing but living shells of emotion.

Self-discipline is that which makes the master of the self, however difficult and tyrannical it may seem in the beginning. Self mastery is a combination of discipline and applied will. It is not in vain that the great sages live in caves with devotion and great purpose. It is not something to imitate, but it is something to understand. Such asceticism is self-discipline; it is the development of will power. This is the turning point for a sacred relationship. To invest yourself in love is to have the will to sustain it.

There are those who would sit for the whole of their lives under the coconut tree and wait for the coconuts to drop. There are those who would chop the tree, so they own the tree. There are those who would learn to climb and bring what they need to their lives. Too many of us enter a relationship and then wait to see what happens. We buy the furniture and make the babies. There is no brain required in either of those actions, and we can have pleasured sex with 90% of our brain removed. Love is will, effort, and without affirmative effort, you wait for the coconut, and survive on nothing between.

You lack nothing if you have will

The best way to cultivate will power is by first systematically putting the body through discipline. It must sit in the posture that is prescribed to it; it must stand in a place where it is asked to stand. The body must not become restless, or fatigued, by what is asked of it. You'll see this in yoga. The body must answer to the demands of the person to whom it belongs. The moment we begin to discipline the body, we begin to see how disobedient the body has always been. This body is meant to become the tool with which you experience life, not the reason for it. The body can be trained with physical exercises initiated by the mind.

The discipline of the mind is done by concentration. It can only take place after the body has become disciplined. When you wish the mind to think about one particular thought while it is thinking another thought, then the mind becomes very restless. It does not want to stand in one spot, because it has always been moving about without discipline. Very often, people tell me that during the day their most difficult time is the moment that they want to concentrate. At this time the mind will start to jump. This is because the mind is an entity. The mind and body need to be your servants, not the other way around. In order for you to manifest your dreams, your mind and body must become your servants in everyday life to fulfill your body with food and pleasure, and your mind with emotion and righteousness. They must act as you wish them to, in order for you to gain real comfort, happiness and an awareness of love.

There is a difference between concentration and silence. Silence is relaxing mind and body. It is repose and healing. Concentration is holding a certain thought before you. Further, concentration is the beginning of meditation, and meditation is the end of concentration

This is illustrated in the following two examples. What time do you rise in the morning? Anytime? Or in time to get you to work? The vast majority of people seek a flexible wake up time, depending on how they feel or what they did last night. This freedom, self- given, has a catastrophic impact on an individual's health, worth, and vitality. If wake up time is fixed, then life spins around it. Time becomes a fixture, a marker in the day. Then, emotion is not the master.

Money is another example. People on the whole spend by impulse - emotional spending, retail therapy. These are rarely people who have earned the money in their own right, nor are they often the wealthy people. If you can't control your emotion, you can't control your spending. A quest for instantaneous emotional gratification leads to emotional spending.

Freedom does not come, as many people hope, from freedom to act on impulse or emotion, nor does it come from stoic rigidity. Emotions must be felt for authentic living, and will power is the ability to feel, and not act. We act for love, we act to create dreams, we feel for honesty.

Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris?s work and journeys to Nepal, visit

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Journey to Love

You and I are on an incredible journey at this very moment, dancing in an exciting adventure that takes us into a new expansiveness beyond our imagination. It is a journey of love, one that knows no limits, has no fear, is authentically powerful and reaches for all possibilities. Is this your experience right now? Is your heart smiling with loving endless energy that you are radiating throughout the world, or are you lost in your own fearful limiting patterns, stuck in a box of your making, stagnant in movement?

I invite you to walk this journey with me for a while. I have been on a journey most of my life searching for love, wanting to know and understand this love, and only recently found it in the most unexpected place. Through my journey I often asked other people about love. Many responses were given about what it meant according to their perception - companionship, security, someone to come home to, sexual intimacy, procreation, sharing space, good feelings, belonging, feeling of family - but it wasn't enough. I knew there was more to real love than was being revealed. So I kept searching. Perhaps you too are searching. You see, finding love is the innate desire of all beings on this planet.

Most people search for love in the physical realm. You know, that zap of "chemistry," candlelight dinners, warm fuzzy feelings, making love, being together and sharing it all. This is love in the physical realm. Although wonderful and exciting, it does not begin to comprehend the vastness of real love. We all know that physical love can change rather rapidly - our divorce statistics certainly equate this - for physical intimacy provides only short-term gratification with connection that lacks depth. So if physical connections - whether partner/partner, friend/friend or parent/child - do not provide the filled up, satisfying, overflowing love, well then, what does?

The search continued. First was a long marriage, but the love faded away until it was gone. There were five children - they kept me busy and fulfilled and happy for a while it seemed. I was too busy to look further so just accepted this was it, even though I longed to know more. Funny thing though, the kids grew up and moved onto their own path, leaving me behind. I tried one business after another, did well in all of them, but something was always missing. I was empty and my soul cried out for that love. My face told the story of my heart's condition, for what one is on the inside is mirrored to the outside for all to see. I kept looking.

I continued my journey and some revealing insights came to me. I looked at other people walking past me or even beside me, and saw the same emptiness in many of them. I was puzzled, but also relieved that I wasn't the only one searching. Most were doing what I was doing, hurrying here and there thus avoiding time to think about the emptiness, filling their lives with busyness. Sadly, the more I accomplished, the more accolades I received, the busier I became, the emptier I was. What a mystery. It surely wasn't turning out as I had been taught - get married, raise a family, take care of everyone's needs, work a job perhaps, go to church, live by the "Golden Rule," give and give, and you will know love.

Oftentimes I'd look back and try to figure out where I went wrong according to my perception. I must have done something wrong or taken a wrong turn. Of course, I thought, the problem is with the marriage; I must have married the "wrong" person. No wonder I couldn't find love. So perhaps I'll find another partner who is the "right" one. Ever traveled this path?

Years had gone by, illness overtook me, recovery was slow because of the internal pain. It was during that time that I understood another dimension of illness - emotional pain. As I journeyed this path and explored every nook and cranny for answers, I discovered some wondrous insights and was divinely prompted to write my first book - A Woman's Path to Wholeness: the Gift is in the Process. My intention had been to write a different book, but I was led down this path. I realized the core of most physical illness is found in the emotional and spiritual realms and many needed to hear these insights. Then one day I came to a crossroad that offered several possibilities. Which one was the right path? How could I know? God intervened and a cosmic two-by-four, strategically placed, got my attention so that I realized I needed to step out of my comfort zone and grow. My entire life began to transform and new doors opened in miraculous ways. My intuition literally exploded with massive force as realms of enlightenment overtook my beingness. Perhaps you've experienced this process.

One day, as I rounded a bend, there it was, staring me right in the face, the love I had been searching for all my life. How could I have missed it all this time I wondered? For the love I had longed for, cried for, dreamed of, prayed for and searched for was with me all the time. It was inside of me, right there in my soul and heart, and I couldn't see it. It was on the other side of the fears - the anger, hurt, shame, guilt, defectiveness, bitterness, blame, manipulation, control, jealousy, pain, and revenge - completely shadowed by them. And the love inside of me was reflecting the love of God from whence I came. I am a child of God! At that moment I realized how magnificent I am, a woman of worth, the embodiment of divine, unconditional, boundless love.

I had work to do to uncover this love. Release, let go, surrender became words to live by. I quit resisting the love and it spilled out to heal the multidimensional wounds of my life experience and let them go. Learning to retrieve the love from its hidden place and remember from whence one came, is not an instant realization. It involves steps to allow it to be revealed, like peeling away layer upon layer of encrusted negative patterns. I had to unconditionally love myself - not an easy assignment after a lifetime of self-incrimination - and to accept that we are all perfectly created from nothing but love. We've never been anything else but love as part of the universal, perfect love of our Creator; we just forgot.

So there it was - the secret to finding love - be the love you are seeking and it will find you. I replaced the fear and all its derivatives with loving energies - forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, appreciation, kindness - and the love grew and grew. I glided down the path now without the weight of the past. I forgave the people who according to my perception had hurt me, going beyond the dimension of human comprehension, and there I found love, real love, that moves above the externals of the physical realm and sees the divine light in every soul. I claimed my birthright power in this process and felt the most healing expansiveness I had ever experienced, way beyond the realm of my past knowingness.

Knowing this unconditional love shifts everything in your mindfulness. I looked at the world - all these people screaming out for love - feeling such depth of sadness that it was eluding them as it had me for so long. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that they already had it within them, but I knew they wouldn't listen. The world looks with different glasses so love seen by their misguided eyes is simply need. This is why love fades away for many - they are trying so hard to use this interpretation of love to validate themselves, to fill up the empty caverns within them, to feel secure, approved of, connected, complete, desired - all of ego.

Most amazing of all is that love doesn't need to be achieved, it simply is. It's always there for us and in us just as air is always present to allow us to breathe. Such is real love, divine love, our life-force breathing out to all people on this planet. It has no judgment or expectations. It allows for you to be yourself, standing in your own magnificence, complete as you are. Real love doesn't require approval, does not judge, and isn't a manipulative force.

Again my divine guidance came with urgency to put aside the book I was working on and write The Realness of a Woman, A Journey for Seeking, Remembering and Being Who You Are. As the words poured through me I realized the powerful effect of this Divine Consciousness for a world that needs to remember.

The journey to love begins and ends within our hearts and souls. The mirror of life reflects only what it sees. Does your mirror reflect the divine eternal love of your Creator so that your heartspace radiates love to those who walk the path of life with you? Or is your love obscured by the shadows of doubt and fear and hidden from the view of the world as you hide in the "box" you created for your life? Our journey is for our spiritual awakening to the glorious awareness of a life of love. The love you are seeking begins as you!

Written by Rev. Dr. Carolyn Porter, speaker, trainer, energy healer, publisher, minister and author of A Woman's Path to Wholeness, The Realness of a Woman and Put the Dynamo in Your Communication. The following excerpt is taken from her book, The Realness of a Woman, A Journey for Seeking, Remembering & Being Who You Are.

"Real love doesn't need to be achieved, it simply is. Once you have obtained the knowingness

of love as the Universe intended us to feel, nothing in your life will ever be the same again,

and you will see that the love of the world is not really love, it is need. This awareness can

transform your life and create a passion that grows and grows, a passion for life itself as you

realize the greatness already within your being. It is recognizing this greatness that already

lies within you that gives you realness in being the wonderful woman you really are, one who

is genuinely in love with herself!

This book is written for those women who seek more from life, who know they are more and

are searching to be revealed. Your journey through these pages is solely to substantiate

enlightenment of your soul, the place where you are real. As you read this book, yearn to

understand the relevance of knowing the depth and breath of divine love, for the love you are

knowing is you. Love is all there is."

Carolyn Porter, D. Div., is an Inspirational Speaker, Author of multiple books, ebooks and audios, Trainer, Spiritual Wholeness Coach and Energy Facilitator who has experienced the thrill of knowing and feeling love, first for herself, and then for others. As a result, love pours into her life, being the magnet for attracting that love.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Falling In Love - Is It True Love or Infatuation?

Falling in love - someday it will happen to you. You will find yourself suddenly falling in love and it will amaze you.

You can't run away from it. Love eventually catches up with everyone. It may be sooner or later. Whatever the time, however long it takes, you can be absolutely sure someday will fall head over heels in love with someone.

But that is not the scary part.

The part that scares most people is the fact love sometimes tend to be blind - or so it seems.

The truth is, true love is hard to come by. Real love is rare. When you finally find something that seems like true love, you grab it with both hands. You invest everything you've got in it. Unfortunately, you may find out months later that it isn't real love. You have been chasing a dream!

That brings us back to the really scary part. Love tends to be blind. People falling in love tend to be irrational and illogical. The love emotion takes over. Thereafter nothing else matters.

Why is this scary?

The answer is simple. Love can be destructive. Love, blind love, can ruin your life.

Yes, some kind of love is blind love. This kind of love is infatuation.

True love or real love, is constructive and upbuilding. True love is

Practical and down-to-earth

Blind love or infatuation is unrealistic, selfish, and destructive.

When falling in love, ask yourself what kind of love you are falling into. Is it true love or infatuation? Is your love based on unselfish and realistic expectations or on a fantasy?

Consider an example of how blind love, infatuation, can be.

Sharon was from a decent and wealthy home. She was an undergraduate who had everything she wanted. She was astoundingly beauty and well-trained and cultured. Understandably, suitors came in droves.

Her father's wealth poured her way so she was rich in the accepted sense of the word. The suitors asking her hand in marriage were just as rich. Many had an enviable social status.

However, Sharon just wasn't interested. Marriage wasn't in her books yet. And when she decides to get married, she would marry the man of her dreams. So she said.

Eventually, Sharon fell in love. Unfortunately, her lover was a rude shock to everyone including her parents.

Sharon's boyfriend was a heroine smoking cult boy with an attitude. He wasn't exactly crazy about her. But she footed his bill and paid his way to smoking haven. So he put up with her.

Sharon, on the other hand, was madly in love. She saw something in him she hadn't seen anywhere else. Her boyfriend, Larry, was broad shouldered, tall, tough, raw, bold, unrelenting, and daring. He could stare death in the face and not bart an eyelid. Her boyfriend was a real man!

Sharon was madly in love with Larry and there was no stopping her. Her parents could not understand why their rich and well-breed daughter fell in love with a poor heroine smoking gangster. Her friends couldn't understand either.

Can you feel Sharon's love? Do you understand why her gentle her fell for a hoodlum?

Sharon fell in love with a dream - a bold, daring, no nonsense, dare devil guy. He had the looks and the heart of a lion. She admired that bravery, that manly boldness. Soon that admiration turned to love. And there was no stopping her.

However, she's on the wrong road.

True love is not based on physical attraction. Physical attraction eventually fails as people get older and age. What counts most is spiritual virtues - your lover's personality.

A heroine smoking gangster will eventually get into trouble and land himself in jail. A cultist gangster takes delight in beating people up and fomenting trouble. Sooner or later, if they get married, she may become a battered wife.

Do you get the point?

Infatuation is blind, physical, destructive. True love is clear-sighted, up-building,


True love, real love, is based on realistic expectations and facts. It is selfless and works for the good of her partner. Infatuation, on the other hand, doesn't care about reality. It focuses on the physical and immediate gain.

Evaluate your feelings properly before continuing with that love relationship.

Relationships based on true love lasts forever. Relationships based on infatuation are usually temporary and momentary. That is the very reason why some marriages last two weeks, some seven days and still others, a lifetime.

The difference is true love. Real love is true and lasts forever.

Thinking of falling in love?

Make sure it is real love. Evaluate your lovers potentials in relation to your desire most - what is known and proven to that make relationships last.

Hey, fall in love the right way. It's your life. It's your future. It's your happiness at stake.

Samson Itoje is a seasoned author and relationship expert. He offers free love relationship advice and love quiz at His books on love, money, and business are available at

How Do You Know when Someone is in Love with You?


Often we have to ask ourselves, does he/she really love me? Is he/she really in love with me? Am I in love with him/her? Do I really love him/her? These are questions of the heart and only you know the answer. However, there are indicators to help us understand the answer to our question of being in love and knowing when someone is in love with us.

When there is a question, there is undoubtedly an answer. It may not be the answer we are looking for, but there is an answer. The key to receiving the answer is being able to accept the truth. Sometimes we don't want to know the truth because it hurts. It hurts because we want things our way, just like we dreamed it up. Unfortunately, life cannot always be the dream that we want it to be. Sometimes, maybe most of the time for most of us, life is not the dream we want at all, not anything close to it. It's important to understand that love does not love anyone, it just loves love. This is why it is so easy to fall in love and so difficult to stay in love. Love is! And that is it. The Bible says that there is no greater love than this, than a man lay down his life for his friend (John chapter 15 verse 13). If this is an indicator of someone being in love then we must be able to answer the question: "Would I die for him/her?" and "would he/she die for me?"

Often in relationships people neglect to embrace the truth of who they are and therefore cannot understand themselves enough to answer questions of love. For example, I have often asked this question of someone whom I was very interested in, "What did you not know about the person you just broke up with that you learned later in the relationship?" If a person is really truthful about this, they would say exactly what they learned down the road that they did not know in the beginning of the relationship. Often it is these things we find out later about a person that makes us change our mind about being with them. The response I typically get is, "I cannot answer that question." Or "I have to think about that?" This indicates that there is nothing that they did not know from the beginning. The next question I typically ask is even more provocative and to the point, "Did you pay attention to what you knew about the person or did you think you could change them or they would change later on in the relationship?" The answer for this one is always, "I just thought things would change." The point here is if you are honest with yourself and the person you are interested in, and truly pay attention to who you are and what you are about, you would not allow yourself to get into relationships where you had to change something about someone or wait for them to change something about themselves. This goes to that old cliché "Be true to yourself." This is not to say that people don't change, rather the change should be for the better, not the worse.

You see, answering the above questions honestly will give you power to embrace the truth about you. When you know the truth about you, it will allow you to deal with others with more honesty and truth as well. Now here is the touchy part, can you ask this question of someone you are in love with and accept their answer? When you make up your mind that you are in love with someone, does that mean that they must be in love with you? If so, then you are not really in love, you are in need of a hug. You cannot force anyone to be in love with you. This is what makes many marriages fail, people try to force each other to be in love and it ends up destroying the relationship. Being in love is something that must be voluntary. Some of the books on the subject of relationships and finding someone to fall in love with and have them fall in love with you are nothing more than a cookbook for a bad relationship. The famed game of love is just that, a game. You should take note, that as in all games, there are winners and losers. However, you should also know that "Love" is not a game, it is a life style and you need to be able to commit to that life style like a religion, with your mate, and like wise your mate must be able to commit to you in the same way.


There is nothing more to knowing if that man or that woman is in love with you or if you are in love with them. There is no secret, there is no game, there is only the truth. The truth is being willing to die for that person and that person being willing to die for you. In a since that is what marriage is all about: "Two people dying as individuals and becoming a new person together. Working together, pulling together, pushing together and being in love together for ever."

Now the term "die" does not mean that you will actually go through with it at some point and end your life. God willing both of you will live a long time and be happy together. However, it does mean that when it comes to satisfying each other and making each other happy that you would put your inhibitions aside (kill your fears and worries) and do what is necessary to make your mate happy and like wise your mate must be able to do the same for you. If there is no reciprocity, then there is no love. Reciprocity does not mean a quid pro quo. In other words, never get into a situation where you only will do what your mate will do for you. This is not love. Sometimes you will give more then your mate and other times your mate will give more than you. This is how it will always be. There is no such thing as 50/50 love. Forget that Teddy Pendergrass song from back in the day, it only sounds good. When you find yourself giving more than your mate, just remember, this is the person you are in love with and this person is in love with you. The Bible says that "charity covers a multitude of sins" (I Peter Chapter 4 Verse 8 KJV). The definition of "charity" is: lenient judgment of others. You must be willing and able to have lenient judgment of the person you are in love with. Be willing to grow with your mate through communication when mistakes are made. This is an on going thing, it never ends as long as you both live.


The Bible explains the greatest thing is charity: "And now abide faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity (I Corinthians Chapter 13 verse 13 KJV)." It also says "And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. (I Corinthians Chapter 13 verse 2 KJV)" When you consider what charity brings to a relationship, if you cannot show charity between each other, but everything else is simply wonderful, your relationship really is nothing.

Last, but not least, a clear indicator of someone being in love with you is when they can keep other people out of your personal relationship with them. Your friends and family may mean well, but you are not in love with them and they apparently cannot be in love with you like your mate. Otherwise, why do you even need to be with your mate? Keep your friends and family, but keep them out of your relationship when it comes to making yourself and your mate happy. A good Bible scripture for this is Mathew Chapter 6 verses 3 and 4: "But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly."

Everyone does not need to be a mentor or counselor in your relationship with your mate. Learn how to keep most intimate things between you and your mate to yourself. I am not talking about abusive things, just personal things that should only be between you two.

You can tell when someone is in love with you when they are willing to consistently show charity and demonstrate unselfishness toward you and your needs. This does not mean that you should take kindness for weakness. This would be a big mistake. Often people show charity and love for their mate, but the mate takes it for granted and begins simply ignoring the truth of true love. Love just loves love and if love does not receive love back, then it will soon find another love. This again is a form of being able to die for them and they should reciprocate willing to die for you (die in the sense of putting there own selfishness aside to make you happy and you being able to do the same for them) with cheerfulness.

?Pastor Ethan? is a character based on Author, Nevada York from her novel, Mahogany?s Revelation. ?Pastor Ethan? resides in the Bay Area of California.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Jesus Loves Me

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

"When you get this concept into your mind and heart it will totally revolutionize your life." That's just the way the Lord said it to me. And just what is this revolutionary concept? His all-consuming, unconditional love for me. (And each of you can say the same.)

Jesus loves me! This I know

For the Bible tells me so.

Little ones to Him belong.

They are weak but He is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me!

Yes, Jesus loves me!

Yes, Jesus loves me!

The Bible tells me so.

(Words by Anna B. Warner 1860; Music by William B. Bradbury 1861)

Is this simple song familiar to you? Did you ever sing it as a child?

Kenneth Osbeck writes in 101 Hymn Stories, "Without doubt the hymn that has influenced children for Christ more than any other is this simply stated one, written in 1860 by Anna Bartlett Warner. Miss Warner wrote this text in collaboration with her sister Susan as a part of one of the best-selling novels of that day, a novel written by Susan entitled Say and Seal. Today few remember the plot of that novel...but the simple poem spoken by one of the characters, Mr. Linden, as he comforts Johnny Fox, a dying child, still remains the favorite hymn of children around the world to this day." Osbeck writes that William Bradbury "composed the music for 'Jesus Loves Me' in 1861 especially for Anna Warner's text and personally added the chorus to the four stanzas."

Ah, the simple faith of childhood. Jesus loves me. How do I know?

Because the Bible tells me so. End of discussion.

But now that you're all grown up, can you still say that? More importantly, do you still feel it? Now, don't pass these questions off with quick answers. Don't answer with head knowledge--what you've learned from years of playing "Christian." Instead, take a moment and examine your heart. Ask yourself, "Do I feel God's love for ME? Unconditionally. Consistently. Do I walk in it? I've heard that Jesus would have died for me alone, but do I conduct my life--both inside and outside of church--as if His love for me were real?"

Or, do I sometimes feel that He would love me more if only I would:

Be a "better" father, mother, husband, wife...

Read the Bible more, go to church more...

Or one of a thousand other things.

Do you ever feel that, while He may love you (in a general sort of way because, after all. He IS God and maybe He HAS to love us), there's always a certain amount of disapproval you sense from Him. Sure, John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world..." and I'm a part of the world, so maybe His love is sort of a group thing--like saying "I love people, but there are some persons I'm not too sure about. Am I one of them to Him? Is God's love like the love I show: sometimes yes and sometimes no? Do I feel God saying to me, "Okay, I love you but I really don't like you."

Maybe there's something specific in my life that I feel keeps God from accepting me fully, or maybe there isn't. Sometimes it's just a general feeling that maybe He would love me completely, if only I'd start... or if only I'd stop...

Remember, I'm not talking about all the things we know and say to each other: "works" won't get us there; we are saved by grace and grace alone, and so on and so on. We sing "Nothing you could do could make Him love you more. And nothing that you've done could make Him close the door." We know that Jesus said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

But do you know it experientially? Be honest, with yourself, and with God.

You may be one who walks in God's love most of the time, or you may have a real problem in feeling for even a moment that God could possibly love you at all.

If you're in the latter category, please take some time to ask God to show you the Truth. Approach Him with a sincere heart and persistent determination and be willing to be led by the Holy Spirit into an ever-growing love relationship with the Father.

But the same suggestion could apply to all of us.

What I'm talking about is the surety expressed in "Jesus Loves Me." This I know because the Bible tells me so. It's what Paul prayed for the Christians in Ephesus, and for us, when he wrote:

"My response is to get down on my knees before the Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit--not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength--that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all Christians the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. God can do anything, you know--far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." (Ephesians 3:14-19 The Message)

"Jesus loves me! This I know for the Bible tells me so."

Can you say to God right now,

"Heavenly Father, I know in my heart that You love me unconditionally and totally. I know that through my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord of my life You love me as much as You love him.

"I ask, Holy Spirit of God within me, that you work through me. Lord, cause me to experience the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Let me know its breadth and height. Strengthen me by Your Spirit, living in me for a glorious inner strength."

No, God doesn't love everything I do and, no matter how I try, I can never earn His love with my thoughts, intents and my actions. My hope does not lie in "self-improvement", but in His increase and my decrease. Growth in the Christian life does not occur as we get better but as He takes over. And I can best trust in Him to take over my life when I am able to rest in the breadth and height of His love.

And if you're tempted to say, "Yeah, but...", remember: "Jesus loves me! This I know for the Bible tells me so."

How do I delve into the "extravagant dimensions" of that love? Well, if "the Bible tells me so" I have to become familiar with what it says. I could give you many verses that speak of God's love, but those words mean so much more when you seek out and find them for yourself.

And when you find them, personalize them. Speak them back to God. Claim them for yourself. Meditate on them in your prayer time. During the day practice the presence of God in your life, knowing He is always with you.

If you want to read about who you are in Christ, study and pray over Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. And read these letters of Paul as if they were written to you alone. God did not send Jesus to die for "mankind" but for each individual who would accept that sacrifice as full payment for his sin.

Full realization of God's love for me is not still another thing that I try to work up or do through my own effort. As I read, pray, and spend quality time with our Heavenly Father His Spirit works in me according to my request.

Seek out through prayer and study what God has to say about how He feels about you. Pray the prayers of Paul for yourself and expect God to open your mind and heart.

And why the emphasis on God's love for me? Because true surrender to God and true service for Him come not from the "knowledge" that He loves me but from the experiential surety of that love. And just as I cannot "work up" my own salvation or my Christian walk with Jesus, I must depend upon the action of the Holy Spirit to saturate me in God's love.

Just as in prayer, my part is to "show up" and ask. I must spend time in God's presence and wait in expectancy.

That's what the Lord said to me. "I love you, my child. More than you can imagine! When you get this concept into your mind and heart it will totally revolutionize your life."

"Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so!"

Brother Bill

Brother Bill is the creator and webmaster of Everyday Christianity, which provides ministry and resources for Christian families. This article may shared freely as long as it includes this resource box and a link back to the website at

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Other Names for Love

Well, here we are in February and many people are celebrating St. Valentines. It is a good time to think about love and relationships to put a bit of warmth in our lives after a long winter.

Today, I would like to look at what love is. The English language only has one word for love and it is used interchangeably for almost everything. We can say I love my husband and I love Chocolate. Both are using the same word and it is only by the context that we can ascertain the difference. The Greeks, on the other hand, have four different words to describe love. Each word gives a different nuance to the word that helps us understand more fully what is being spoken of.

I want to look with you at the four Greek words for love.

These are:

1) Eros

2) Storge

3) Philia

4) Agape


The first type of love we are all familiar with. Our English word Erotica is derived from this word. Sadly, some people never get passed this type of love and base their relationships purely on sexual attraction. This is the type of love that merchandisers tend to play on with the public trying to get us to buy their products to make us more attractive to the opposite sex. Unfortunately, aromatherapy is being misrepresented by these same people also to traffic their products. You would be surprised to see how many products are being offered specifically to attract the opposite sex using aroma.

Studies have been done trying to prove the theory of attraction through Pheromones based on animal instincts. I personally feel that attraction of a life partner is much more than the basis of his/her smell. In fact, it was impossible for me to fall in love with my fiancé based on smell as we met through ICQ on the Internet. It was impossible for smell to play any part in our meeting. Our relationship was based on character and friendship which later developed into love. You can say we met each other and we just clicked ;-) (pun intended) {by the way, we are getting married next month.}

So, the point is that erotic love is not a deep meaningful love but superficial and based on sexual attractiveness only.

2) Storge:

This type of love is what we find in families between the different members. It is the love of mother, father, brothers and sisters. This is a much stronger type of love and involves commitment. "Blood is thicker than water" and most people will do all they can to stand behind their families.

3) Philia:

This type of love is pertaining to what we might call a brotherly love. Not brotherly in the sense of family, but in the sense of kinsmenship. This is the type of love that makes us want to help the little old lady cross the street safely and watch out for our fellow man. It is a good type of love and helps us to see others as needing our love but, sadly, it can often also be a selfish love. Many people only show love to others if they can get something out of it.  Thankfully, most people love out of pure motives.


The fourth type of love is called Agape love. This is the highest form of love there is. This is an unconditional love for others in spite of their character flaws and weaknesses. It is a difficult love to obtain simply because we, as humans, are usually concerned more with ourselves and how the world and people around us affect us. In order to love in the agape way, we must overcome our selfishness and look to the needs of others. Prime examples of this type of love are people like Mother Theresa, Cardinal Leger etc. These are people who look out for others interests above their own. It is a special kind of love that needs to be cultivated for it to grow. We can only achieve this type of unselfish loving as we put the needs of others as a priority.

Without getting religious here, I just want to tell you there is a verse from the Bible that fits well with this concept. It is called the Golden Rule. Luke 10:27, says "Love your neighbour as yourself" and "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." -Matthew 7:12 . All relgions of the world share in this same philosophy.

One thing that stuck out to me as I read these is that it says to love your neighbor as yourself. Sadly, many people in this day and age, don't love themselves. If you don't love yourself how can you love others? Unconditional love needs to start with you. You must learn to accept the fact that you are a special and unique person. Yes you have flaws, we are all human, but these flaws do not make you less of a person. Learn to love yourself in spite of your shortcomings and accept yourself for who you are. As you love yourself you will find it easier to love others.

The second thing that stands out is that the Golden rule says to do what you want others to do to you. This is not the same as "Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you." It is not a position of avoiding doing evil or harming others but an actual DOING of something for others. This requires action on your part. It says "DO unto others". It is when we realize that we reap the rewards of love as we involve ourselves in the lives of others, making their lives easier and more pleasant, as we would want our own lives to be.

Enjoy the month of Love and remember always to love yourself and to DO something for someone each day.

This article is bought to you by Sharron Myers
Sharron Myers has been a teacher of Spiritual Truth for over 30 years. She also is a Certified Aromatherapist and Personal Development Consultant. Be sure to check out her site:

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