We often feel blocked, yearning for something more, unable to work out what is missing, a constant ache is in our hearts. Many of us have materially successful lives, and yet each time we bring home the next gadget that is going to make us happy, something is missing. The wrapper is no sooner off, and we are planning for the next thing, or milestone that we need to achieve happiness.
We make it terribly complicated, looking for the answers out there somewhere, and the whole time it is right inside of us. The key to our happiness, is love, most importantly loving ourselves. Many of us define who and what we are in our childhoods, translating the messages from the adults around us, and making life long decisions about our values as human beings. Quite often the adults in our worlds, were not even aware of the messages they were sending let alone the consequences of their actions.
But we are not children anymore, and the key to our happiness stands in our recognition of that. Once we have accepted that, realised that as adults we have a choice. We can stay trapped in our childhoods, or we can proactively weed out the mental garbage that has accumulated over the years. Lets face it, if you are still searching for happiness, what you have been doing is obviously not working!
Transformation is possible, all it it takes is a decision to be willing to change. Then the universe starts to weave it's magic. So often we concentrate on what we don't want, and then act totally surprised when that is what we end up with! What if you spent as much time thinking positively, as you do on all that negative self talk you engage in every day? I tell you, pure magic, HAPPINESS!
Loving and accepting yourself exactly as you are, is the key, so simply incredible. Yet for many of us, that is where the hard work starts, for we have forgotten, or have never learned how to love ourselves. It is not too late, great change, and personal empowerment is possible. All you have to do is be willing to change.
How does the saying go? It is a form of insanity to repeat the same actions and expect a different outcome. So what have you got to lose? Seems to me , you have a whole lot to gain. Louise.L.Hay's book 'You Can Heal Your Life' is a great place to start. It is straight forward, easy to follow, and all it needs is you.
After that find a group, it is always easier to keep up the momentum when you surround yourself with like minded people. Unconditional support can make even the bumpiest of roads easier to travel.
I assure you once you arrive at your destination ...YOU... it will be all worth it!
You Can Heal Your Life workshop Leader
Adelaide, SA
Web site: http://users.adam.com.au/buddha/healyourlife.htm
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