Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Inspiration to Change the World Can Get in the Way of the Inspiration to Love It

You might say "I hate this and I love that" but this is impossible. Love and hate are not opposites. A loving person cannot love one thing and hate another. This is the mark of a righteous person or an emotional person. It is the mark of the ego.

Lovers become jealous when their partner loves other people and they complain. But they are barking up the wrong tree. A lover, who loves, loves many, many people. How can they switch this on, and switch this off. A loving person loves both sexes. There is no limitation to sexual preferences, and certainly no religious organization has the right to speak love on one hand and limit it to relationships and sexual preference on the other.

I you are a loving person then you love people. Then you know, if you feel hate or resentment or distaste, it is your incapacity to love that is tested, not some self manufactured, protective judgment you have made on people who are worthy of love.

When we say we want to change someone, we have stopped loving them. If we cannot see the beauty then we cannot see the love. It is the same with the world. The ancient mysteries are mirrored in the laws of nature and these are what I teach. Nature is not prejudice or righteous, it loves, and the mysteries say the same.

If there is a limit to what you love on earth, then there is a limit in you, not the earth. The earth does not need your judgment, neither do your children, partner or friends. The earth needs your love.

Nature takes care of this argument. She is more smart than David Suzuki and other activists think. She places one half of the human race on the consumption path, and the other half of the human race on the conservation path. Then Yin and Yang are balanced. Both groups think they are right. And they are. But the wise person, who is committed to love and not righteousness, sees that they are both right, and therefore does not get caught in hate and emotion. The wise person sees that between two opposing forces, nature is evolving at the right pace.

In our own life, shit happens. The spiritual types and the highly religious types spend their whole lives trying to fight that truth. They think there is a psychotic God somewhere who is casting judgment on the good guys and bad guys. But this is absurd. How can you have a loving heart if you are always casting judgment of hate this and want to change that? That is a paranoid life.

The laws of nature, really the ancient mysteries translated, are not given to you so you can change the world, they are given so you can se the beauty of it. That means rising above the muck. You want a life in the muck, then join the anti this, or the pro that. This is what is called the mass consciousness. You can't have a loving heart in the mass consciousness. That mass consciousness is religious consciousness, made of worthy and unworthy of love. This is not what I share with the world, lets make no mistake and confuse the two.

In my new book on Sacred Love, I talk about a loving lifestyle. How can you have a loving lifestyle if you always want to change things? Then, if you want to change things, (and therefore people) you are always separate from people. This is not love. This is mind. Mind cannot love, it can only imitate love by creating emotions, desires, expectations.

Love comes when the mind is confused. Yes, if you give the mind one piece of information it is happy. Then it can place it in the brain and cause a response. This is hot, this is cold. This is right this is wrong. That is why people who have control issues are also religious people. They are always looking for more right, or more better or more spiritual so that they can have just one thought. This person cannot love, they can only think love, or imitate love.

If you feed the mind two pieces of conflicting information, then we say, "Oh, I am confused" but if we can relax, and not struggle with confusion we have intuition. When the mind gets two pieces of conflicting information it (this is the ego) gets panic attacks. Go left, go right? It can't decide. Actually, this is the obsession with people who only learn half of spirituality; the new age seeker, the meditator, the yogi, the Buddhist, a born again Christian who learned from a book about life.

The books can't sell if they don't speak left or right answers. So the books say "this is better than that" so, the reader reads, the mind is fed with rubbish and that person thinks they are better off. But they lost love. You will see it. So many people who do yoga and meditation, and born again and Buddhist new learners, they have bad relationships, emotional relationships, bad health, bad problems. This is because they already had the idea that there was something wrong, and now they got a new way to judge it. They stayed in their mind, nothing changed except the justification.

I am trying to teach you something else. Something different from the Guru or the yoga book or the Buddhist lecturer about peace. I am trying to give you peace. Yes, peace comes only when the mind is confused. Can you understand that a mind with a single thought feels comfortable because it "knows" - but this mind is not capable of love. So once you know something, you're buggered.

If you want love, you have to seek out just the first law of nature. Not the other four. Just one simple law. That law is that there are two sides to everything. So in fact the mind is comfortable only when it defies the first law of nature. If you feed the truth to the mind, it goes into violent reaction and rejects the news. The mind is afraid (that's why the ego exists) of loosing itself. So it panics when there is balanced information, it runs away from relationships when there is truth. The mind is a God, and it seeks half truth. Just like a religious God, that feeds the ego.

The law of balance tells you that there are two sides to everything. This is the knowledge of the great mysteries. They destroyed that library in Alexandria, Egypt in order to create religion, but the secrets are still in the world. You have to become a warrior in order to rise above religious dogma of one sided information in order to live a loving lifestyle. Then, you must also be prepared to understand that 6 billion people don't get it. And about 100,000 do.

If your mind gets balanced information like: The forest in the Amazon needs protecting, and the forest in the Amazon needs chopping, then it is really cheesed off. What the hell? What are you saying? Two opposite truths? Can't be. But this is love. Love means your boyfriend, or girlfriend is good news and bad. But your mind hates some things and wants to change them, and so, you say "I love you --- as long as ----" or "I love you - if" -

Now there is conditional love. Mind love. This is not real love, not sacred love, no, this is expectations love, this is mind love, imitation. Most people imitate love. They say "I want a relationship that is like the one on Gone with the Wind" so now, the mind has an idea, and then the mind examines that relationship, compares that relationship, judges their partner, expects things. So the mind is really happy because it knows what it wants. But love cannot exist at the same time in a body with a mind that knows what it wants. Either the ego is in control or love is, both can't share at the same time.

So, people do courses, they do yoga they read new age books and they go to lectures to improve. But there is a problem. All those teachings are lies. Even the teachers are lairs. They can't live what they teach. They pretend like an actor, and they sell ideas, and people think those ideas are legit. But they are lies.

The happy person has two sides. Nature guarantees that. No person ever lived the 10 commandments, the Buddhist dharma, the Yama and Niyama of Yoga. No one ever did what they preached. Never. Those teachings are religious and they are designed to give us an aspiration, but we will always fail. Those teachings are designed to feed the ego, give the mind happiness, satisfy our lust to become immortal. This is a lie.

The truth is behind those teachings. Those teachings are designed to keep you in control and because of that alone they are precious. But those teachings cannot give you any love, none, not one penny of love. They can only show you how it aspire to it, imitate it and hope for it.

So, I am not arguing against religious teachings. I am talking about a totally different topic. I am talking about being in love now, living in love today, being real, not imitating, trusting that, if your mind goes for a break, you'll be fine.

I can' teach this sitting in an office or doing collapse process in a fancy hotel. I can teach this love and mystery in nature, because here, the ego is disarmed, your clothes aren't made by Gucci, your underpants will be sweaty, your ego shoes will be covered in cow dung, the ego can't hold on, and there, underneath all that is a beautiful, precious, magnificent smile. And there you have it, love.

I hope you see the difference. Love is not an aspiration. Love is what exists before you want it. For the most part, to becoming a loving person you'll need to unlearn so much of what you learned - because all that was to protect yourself. But when you have love, really, you find out how unimportant you are, and how beautiful this whole, magnificent, stunningly delicious universe is, right there in front of you, mirrored in a leaf from a tree, or the fingernails of a baby. So easy, yet, such a journey.

I want to share my global vision as part of this article, I hope you find it "GOOD AND BAD' and by doing so, feel the love behind it. Remember, it is impossible to stop judging, that is a psychotic and dangerous state, it is only possible to judge more, and in doing so, judge everything extremely good, and extremely bad, and if you can see that in the same moment, you'll burst open, like a beautiful rose, you'll burst open with love.

When you hear someone say "don't judge" - you can laugh and remember the years you spent trying, as they will, to do the impossible.

Chris Walker's global Vision.

To communicate the message and essence of modern well-being (consciousness and spirituality) at all levels of society (personal, community, corporate & global). To help people become healthier, more inspired by life, more in love with their lover and better able to live their expanded potential. To bring more heart, happiness and love to everyday life. To foster a new generation of leaders. To share wisdom of natures law with all generations. To transform educational systems, practices and culture for less competition and more inspiration. To awaken the power and beauty of the human heart and stop persecution and injustice. To help children throughout the world get a fair go in both wealthy and poor environments. To use natures law to guide a new global vision. To bridge the social, human, economic, and humanitarian gaps caused by religion. To share - tools and knowledge for living an inspired guided life. To educate - a transformative approach to the development of learning that prevents illness. To heal community, corporate and global environments. To fight against self absorption of self help, drugs and un ethical guidance. To inspire a new global perspective in healing, management and global reconciliation. To create global change in the way people relate. To translate the laws of nature to the world. To help move the world through its next evolutionary phases.. To initiate a new global paradigm shift in business. To celebrate the beauty of creation in everyday reality.

Through the laws of nature, to impart the knowledge, mysteries and wisdom of the ages, to those that are ready.

With Spirit

Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris's work and journeys to Nepal, visit http://www.chriswalker.com.au

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