Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to Make a Man Fall in Love - Do You Know the Secrets?

Do you have problems with men that don't want to make a commitment? Do you wonder why the men you attract don't really fall for you but get bored and drift away? If you want to make a man fall in love with you then perhaps consider some of the following advice.

We know that men are different from women and it's sometimes difficult for a woman to get inside the mind of a man and know what really makes him tick. Some would say that men are less complicated in their needs than women. There are the basic needs of food, shelter and sex, and if these are satisfied most men are happy enough. Men are not as emotional in their outlook as women generally in that they don't scrutinise their partner that closely, don't want to change them and don't think particularly about the future and how life will be then. Pretty simple so far then?

Women in this modern western world have far more freedom of choice than ever before. It is difficult to believe that it wasn't that long ago a woman couldn't vote and was expected to You need to make the best of your appearance of course, but more than that you want to be cheerful and self assured. You should try and find out what your guy's interests are and when you talk with him, demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm in that same area. Also you want him to see you not just as housewife material but as an interesting person in your own right who just happens to be a girl.

Getting to know what makes him tick is the key to turning him on to you. If you are the only woman in the whole office who shows a sense of humour wouldn't that be a massive plus in your direction? Men don't only want one thing from a woman as is sometimes baldly stated. They want in fact a companion with a well rounded personality who just happens to be a woman. If you are a woman who can talk about tennis, football or cars, then you are way ahead of the competition!

If you can learn to pick up on the signals that a guy gives, often unwittingly, you will know when you are on the right track. If you can get your guy to take you seriously as a person, as well as an attractive woman, then you have got a guy falling in love with you.

Changing your love life needn't be so hard if you follow these guidelines. You just need to enhance your attraction techniques and learn how to read men, and you can get the guy to fall in love with you

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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