Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Secret About Love, Wealth and Relationship No Gurus Tell You About

While it is true that the Internet provides a lot of good information, it also has its fair share of information that may be untrue or misleading. Over the years, I have noticed that there has been an increasing abundance of articles written on topics relating to love, relationship and wealth. Many of these stories shared about love that has turned sour or some person's greed for money that has destroyed a business relationship between some business partners. I suspect that many of these stories were written just to increase readership of the magazines or website as they never focused much on any real lessons to be learned from relating these stories.

Being somewhat interested in psychology, I recently searched the Internet to obtain some answers from top psychologists in the world. I wanted to find out what they thought of these topics of love, relationship and wealth. In this article, like to share with anyone interested in these topics what I found out in my research about human behavior.

1. Love

Love comes when there is forgiveness. This means that when people do not find love, they may be lacking in forgiveness in some areas in their lives. A person should try to examine any past relationships with the people close to him like his parents, siblings, relatives, and business partners and ask himself the question "Where have I not forgiven?" Once you have identified this, it is important to forgive this person. The experts say that when you do this, it helps to release the energy that will now allow the Law of Attraction to bring him new love and new relationships back into his life.

2. Wealth

The key to getting wealthy is to learn how to create a lot of value for many people and that can help to channel the benefits back to you. It is about giving these people any of your services and products that can help them improve their lives. Too many people are just trying too hard to get wealthy and in the process become very unhappy. It is important not to overdo things but take a step back and relax when this happens. The process of wanting something can actually bring a lot of negative emotions to a person because you are focusing on the things you do not possess. Instead it would be better to focus on the positive emotions including the things. The experts believed that when you practiced this, you will eventually attract wealth to you.

3. Relationship

The key to having a good relationship with anyone starts from the person himself. This person must try to match up with the qualities of his partner in the relationship. So if you are searching for qualities of your soul mate that are loving, caring and kind, you too need to have similar qualities of loving, caring and kind as well.

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