"Why do some things (like a love relationship) take longer to manifest?
And how do you know whether you're blocking what you want to flow to you?"
One of my readers recently asked me that exact question.
Here's my answer in the form of another question: How much time every day do you fret, worry and wonder "when, how or even IF the love of your dreams is going to show up"? Do you wonder if you need to move to a new city, or into the city or out of the city? Do you think it might have been the guy or gal you dated last year? You tell yourself... "I guess 75% of the package was there. Perhaps that's good enough. Maybe I AM too picky".
Well, I've got news for you. It's not uncommon to feel that way and think those kinds of thoughts.
When we're in new territory it's easy to get locked into the intellect. We question, fret, and second guess ourselves. That's precisely why it takes so long. Furthermore, you unaware of how much of your energy you're spending doubting and second guessing.
The Universe faithfully matches your energy and gives you more situations that match what you're transmitting "indecision, second-guessing, and frustration."
I'm here to tell you that you can have it ALL in your love relationship. Does that mean the he or she is going to be perfect in every way? Nothing is perfect. But he or she will be perfect for you! This is what partnership and deliberate co-creation is all about. Playing and creating in partnership so we can expand ourselves in more of the wonderful ways we intended to before we got here to life on planet Earth.
If what you want is still not manifesting after 6 months or longer, you can bet that you're blocking your desires to some degree.
Tips on How to Become Magnetic to Love
Spend time imagining what it will be like WHEN (not if) you have what you want.
What kinds of things will you do together? And how will you feel? Engage the senses and play in the energy of already having what you want AS IF it's already yours. Write daily gratitudes about how happy you are now that you and your beloved are building a life together. Then spend at least 20 seconds visioning and feeling the energetic atmosphere of what that's like. Do this daily.
Now you're in the attraction mode. Now you've given the Universe something powerful to match. Become an energetic match to your desires. When your dominant vibration is about what you want, you'll attract your ideal love. Don't take my word for it. That's what I did. That's what my clients do to manifest the love of their dreams. And you can too!
Nanette Geiger is a Law of Attraction Coach and author of many books and articles focusing on Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Self-Mastery. More helpful resources and information at her site:
Nanette's new course, Breakthrough to Abundance Blueprint, uses Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, and the Law of Attraction to provide you with cutting-edge tools to evolve your mind.
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